During the Open Monument Day, SPECTRA will be present at the historic Bijloke site, in the impressive abbey church of STAM. SPECTRA echoes its 17th-century acoustics with music composed by Claude Debussy, Frederik Neyrinck, Salvatore Sciarrino, Ken Ueno of György Kurtag.
Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918)
Syrinx (1913)
Frederik Neyrinck (°1985)
Stuttgarter Echo II (2009)
Salvatore Sciarrino (°1947)
Ai limiti della notte (1979)
György Kurtag (°1926)
Doloroso en Auf! Schwung! (1997)
Ken Ueno (°1970)
...with the silences of the fishes... (2009)
Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928 - 2007)
Sei wieder fröhlich (1974)
Tille Van Gastel, flute
Bram Bossier, viola
Frank Van Eycken, percussion