Atlas Eclipticalis

A starry sky in concert: SPECTRA converts the fascination for the sky into music.

For Atlas Eclipticalis inspired John Cage himself by the collection of sky maps which the Czech astronomer Antonín Becvár published in 1958. He literally took this book as point of departure: on top of the star charts he placed staves on which he drew larger or smaller dots according to the stars’ brightness. The result is a murmuring multitude of subtly buzzing dots in a sonorous firmament. For this performance, Cartridge Music is used as guideline to apply chance operations triggering the recording, manipulation and spacialized distribution of the sounds produced by the musicians.
For Tierkreis baseerde Karlheinz Stockhausen zich dan weer op de astrologie. Twaalf melodieeën karakteriseren de tekens van de dierenriem. De compositie Voyager I & II van Dirk Veulemans is ontstaan vanuit het ontzag voor de ruimte en de verbazing dat de mens in staat is om twee onbemande ruimtevaartuigen, de Voyagers 1 en 2, naar de interstellaire ruimte te sturen. Of ze ooit terugkeren blijft onzeker.

Programme & credits


Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007)
John Cage (1912?1992)
Atlas Eclipticalis (1961)
Cartridge Music (1960)
Dirk Veulemans (°1956)
Voyager I en II (2012)


SPECTRA conducted by Filip Rathé
Dirk Veulemans, live-electronics


Sunday 15 January 2023, 14:15
Amsterdam (NL), Orgelpark
