…with the silences of the fishes…

© Phile Deprez
Open monument day at the historic Bijloke site

During the Open Monument Day, SPECTRA will be present at the historic Bijloke site, in the impressive abbey church of STAM. SPECTRA echoes its 17th-century acoustics with music composed by Claude Debussy, Frederik Neyrinck, Salvatore Sciarrino, Ken Ueno of György Kurtag.

Programme & credits


Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918)
Syrinx (1913)
Frederik Neyrinck (°1985)
Stuttgarter Echo II (2009)
Salvatore Sciarrino (°1947)
Ai limiti della notte (1979)
György Kurtag (°1926)
Doloroso en Auf! Schwung! (1997)
Ken Ueno (°1970)
...with the silences of the fishes... (2009)
Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928 - 2007)
Sei wieder fröhlich (1974)


Tille Van Gastel, flute
Bram Bossier, viola
Frank Van Eycken, percussion


Sunday 11 September 2022, doorlopend tussen 10u en 18u
Gent, Abdijkerk Bijlokesite
In het kader van Open Monumentendag - GRATIS
