Animation: Vol au vent

Vol au vent is an animated film about a cat and mouse game between a young boy and an old lady throughout four seasons.

In an autumnal park, a young boy throws a paper plane in the air, which the wind quickly carries away. Meanwhile, the boy counts how long the paper plane can stay in the air. But the wind dies down and the paper plane lands in the hair of a knitting woman. Secretly, the boy grasps his plane, but the woman is keeping an eye on him.

Duration: 7 min.
Director: Isabel Bouttens
Composition: Annelies Van Parys
Performed by SPECTRA Jan Vercruysse (flute), Kris Deprey (clarinet), An Raskin (bayan), Els Mondelaers and Robbe Gaublomme (vocals)
Producer: Lunanime


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