A la recherche d’un temps perdu

In 1958, Luciano Berio created soundrecordings of five musicians. The soundtracks were later edited in the “Studio Fonologia Musicale di Milano”. From those, he created one of the first works which combined electronic and live music. In Différences , the original model of the five instruments coexists with an ever-transforming image of itself. In this piece, the performers communicate with an older, almost unrecognizable version of themselves.

Berio was also one of the founders of the electronic music studio “Tempo Reale” in Firenze, where Simonluca Laitempergher realised Watchamacallit During the cleaning of his childhood home, in a dusty attic, Laitempergher found a cassette tape with half-deteriorated voices, relics of non-experienced experiences. This, which was for him a confronting surprise, formed the starting point for another conversation from and with long-lost times.

Berio’s Joods-Amerikaanse student Steve Reich pendelde als kind tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog vaak dagenlang per spoor dwars door de Verenigde Staten, tussen New York en Los Angeles, van vader naar moeder en terug. Later groeide bij hem het gruwelijke besef dat hij op hetzelfde moment in Europa waarschijnlijk, net als miljoenen geloofsgenoten, op een ander transport had gezeten. In Different Trains , he mixes the sounds of a string quartet with interviews of Holocaust survivors and train noises.

Loss, difference, time?

Programme & credits


Luciano Berio (1925-2003)
Différences (1958/59)

Simonluca Laitempergher (°1980)
Watchamacallit (2017)

Steve Reich (°1936)
Different Trains (1988)


SPECTRA conducted by Filip Rathé


Thursday 25 October 2018, 20:00
Gent, Zebrastraat
